Thursday, October 4, 2007

Rubric examples

This site demonstrates many great ideas for rubrics such as a rubrics for collaborative work, cooperative work, and eportfolios
examples of rubrics

Interactive human body learning

the interactive human body

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Access great links through this site

Go to links to learning home page; select your subject area, then your grade. The links are to many fantastic sites all curriculum linked (the present curriculum rather than the new one). For those of you out there who are planning units in science, or in other subjects, such as social studies for grade 6, you will love some of the links links to learning

Monday, October 1, 2007

Leaves and science ideas

Someone in our group is working on designing a science activity based on leaves with a grade 1 class.
This activity comes from the Rainbow resource room. It is designed for preschool but would work really well for grade one

"Leaf Classification Bar Graph (Rainbow Resource Room)
This preschool education lesson plan begins outdoors, takes advantage of Autumn's colors and encourages young children's classification and sorting skills as they work with concrete materials and compare amounts.

You will need:
Enough large paper bags for half the children in your group, tape, glue/glue stick, craft paper and a felt tip marker

In advance explain to preschool children that they will collect fallen leaves. Remind children not to put leaves off plants, bushes or trees. Only collect the leaves that have fallen on the ground. Encourage young children to use the "buddy system" when collecting (two preschoolers share each collection paper bag). As the children collect leaves teachers use descriptive words, "I see you've found 3 orange leaves" etc.

Back inside the preschool classroom, during small group time, sort the leaves according to color, size or kind. Together with young children count how many of each color, size or kind. Are there more brown leaves than green leaves?

Creating a vertical bar graph will help children compare the leaves according to a classification category such as color etc. On craft paper teachers list the leaf colors. Next ask children to tape or glue leaves in the appropriate color column. Display on children's eye level and refer to the bar graph often during the fall season." (Rainbow Resource Room

Water wheel

This link takes you to a pdf unesco document. It is full of interesting low cost activities that you can do with primary age children. On page sixteen there are instructions on how to build a water wheel to demonstrate the power of moving water. I have not made this one before but I have made the variation shown on the same page that makes a water wheel from a cork and plastic container. It works really well.
water wheel

A fun Canadian science magazine

Yes Magazine is a great Canadian science magazine for kids. Check out their site Yes

Wind Energy
There are lots of fun activities to demonstrate the power of the wind
Make a pinwheel
The link below is to a neat project by two teachers from Spirit Lake Iowa. They connect science and social studies through role playing
"Your school district has installed a wind turbine. You have been hired by the school district to invent the perfect pinwheel. These will be given away to all children who attend the ribbon cutting ceremonies for the new wind turbine." (Heather Vugteveen/Tina Sherrill)Pin Wheel Project

Solar Energy

Someone in our class is planning a unit on energy (Conservation of Energy: Grade 5). Here are some links to a great activity where you build a solar oven out of a pizza box. Last year at school we tried this on pizza day. We kept the pizza boxes and from the whole school and turned them into solar ovens. Everyone working on this unit took home a solar oven and tried it out.
solar now
reach out michigan