Monday, October 1, 2007

Leaves and science ideas

Someone in our group is working on designing a science activity based on leaves with a grade 1 class.
This activity comes from the Rainbow resource room. It is designed for preschool but would work really well for grade one

"Leaf Classification Bar Graph (Rainbow Resource Room)
This preschool education lesson plan begins outdoors, takes advantage of Autumn's colors and encourages young children's classification and sorting skills as they work with concrete materials and compare amounts.

You will need:
Enough large paper bags for half the children in your group, tape, glue/glue stick, craft paper and a felt tip marker

In advance explain to preschool children that they will collect fallen leaves. Remind children not to put leaves off plants, bushes or trees. Only collect the leaves that have fallen on the ground. Encourage young children to use the "buddy system" when collecting (two preschoolers share each collection paper bag). As the children collect leaves teachers use descriptive words, "I see you've found 3 orange leaves" etc.

Back inside the preschool classroom, during small group time, sort the leaves according to color, size or kind. Together with young children count how many of each color, size or kind. Are there more brown leaves than green leaves?

Creating a vertical bar graph will help children compare the leaves according to a classification category such as color etc. On craft paper teachers list the leaf colors. Next ask children to tape or glue leaves in the appropriate color column. Display on children's eye level and refer to the bar graph often during the fall season." (Rainbow Resource Room

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