Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cells Alive!

If you are learning about cells in your classroom this is a great site for cell animation and relative sizes of cells. If you cannot use microscopes maybe you can take the children to the computer lab. and they can use this interactive site to get an idea of relative sizes!Cells Alive


Unknown said...

wow, very neat! I can imagine this would be a great resource for students, especially those without access to microscopes. Even with the microscope I think it is hard for students to visualize the differences in size when they are looking at things on different magnifications, so this would be an exellent reference!

Anonymous said...

I found this site very useful for learning about magnification. We use the microscopes as well but as Erin says this magnification exercise really helps children understand different sizes of things.

Anonymous said...

You are similar to the expert)))

Anonymous said...

Curious question

Anonymous said...

Well, and what further?

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