Saturday, September 22, 2007

Free interactive simulation software

"The Molecular Workbench (MW) software offers interactive, visual simulations that have been widely used to teach and learn science and engineering at all levels of science education. As a free, open-source and extensible modeling platform, it provides not only a powerful environment for creating interactive molecular models and performing dynamical simulations, but also an easy-to-use authoring tool for building user interfaces and writing guided activities.

The goal of the NSF-funded Molecular Workbench has been to provide a rich environment that makes the atomic level familiar, predictable, and connected with the macroscopic world, and to understand the effect of such an environment on student learning."


Unknown said...

I have looked at this site and the program they offer are molecular based. Definitely useful for units such as fluids, heat and atoms and molecules.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Michael,
I found the site really useful and if you go to Molo, a related site, you can make use of lessons built around particular simulations. These are great too.

Anonymous said...

This is a really great site. You can easily help students visualize concepts and integrate it into a computers section.


Anonymous said...

I found this site really useful for teaching the particle theory of matter for grade 7. There are great interactives lessons.