Monday, September 10, 2007

STAO conference in November

The Science Teachers' Association of Ontario holds a conference in November. This year the dates are November 15th to 17th. November 17th is a Saturday and it may be possible for some of you to attend. There will be many great sessions to choose from. The general theme for the conference this year is "Making Connections for a Sustainable Future".

I will be giving a presentation in the afternoon of November 17th 2.30 to 3.30pm entitled “The Augmented Reality Game Heat: an affinity space for scientific literacy”.

The STAO conference will be held in Toronto at the Doubletree International Plaza Hotel. If you are interest in attending the conference you can go through the following link for information and registration
STAO conference


Unknown said...

I might be interested in attending... don't want to go alone though! As far as I can see it will cost about $60 for the day's events (Saturday). If anyone else is interested let me know.

Anonymous said...

Hey Craig, Kenton here, I'm interested in going to the conference. I did some exploring on the website and found that we can get in for $10, but we would have to buy a 2yr membership as well for $20. Anyways, we'll have to talk in class and see what we can arrange.