Thursday, September 20, 2007

Goals, Objectives and Assessment

Last week in class we worked on preparing a rubric chart to use as a guide for assessing the project "The human impact on natural systems". On the blog I had posted several posts about linking assessment to goals and objectives and an example of how to do that for the project. These took up a lot of space on the blog so I have put them together into a document that you can access through the link here. You will need the same username and password that we used on the blog for the new curriculum documents. I have also uploaded the Goals, Objectives and Assessment doc to the e-campus site for science 24. In the document I have included a rubric chart as an example. I made it for part of the project we looked at. I will spend some time on this in class next week.
Carol Goals, Objectives and Assessment


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. It is helpful to see the breakdown of the unit - what was required of the students (which was actually a lot!!) and how they were assessed. I appreciate seeing and reading about the different possibilities for accomplishing the goals set out by the curriculum documents. It's nice to know that students can have fun learning and not be bound by a textbook, like many of us are used to. Even though it is still quite daunting to think about putting together a project of this size, I'm sure that as time goes on, and my excitement for science and learning grows, that it will become a joy.

Anonymous said...

It's true Yvonne this is a big project. Next week we will look at a smaller project for just one lesson (two periods).